Quaker Fluid Technology

Quaker Fluid Technology

Complementary to our extensive choice of cutting tools, tooling solutions and toolholders is Quaker Metalworking Fluids. Most of the MetalWorking Fluids offered by Quaker are Manufactured in Australia. Quaker has an impressive history in metal cutting and has developed its range of metal cutting fluids for optimum cutting efficiency.

On every level: quality, quantity, fluid life, working conditions and environmental impact, Quaker Chemical is an excellent way to reduce your total production costs.

Quaker Chemical fluids have been designed to exceed your requirements in terms of removing, forming, cleaning and protecting a wide range of (special) metals.

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Speak with an experienced Sales Engineer to discuss products that are suitable for your application.

Please refer to Quaker Website for Material Safety Data Sheets.

Quaker Specialise in offering products for the following applications -

Get in touch with our experts

Metal Cutting Technology Pty Ltd
P.O.Box 729, Bayswater VIC 3153

Talk to an Expert

1800 022 024